Monday, April 25, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Ok, he got me. The hubs really got me. He has convinced me that the family is just not complete without a puppy. How did he did do it? He's magic. No, really. I was not at all into this dog idea but he has convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now, I can't wait to have a new furball (Lord willing the finances are solid). Chris already has a dog in mind. He wants one of these:
These are  American Dingos aka Carolina Dogs.  We had begun researching different breeds, and, when we landed on this one, Chris was hooked. I started looking up breeders, I saw the puppies, and I was hooked.
I mean, seriously, could they be any cuter???
So . . . yes . . . . dog thoughts in the works . . . We won't have space for one until about August or later, and a great deal can happen in that amount of time, so we'll see. :]
If you have any doggy advice, please send it my way! I've grown up with canines, but we haven't had our own as old married folk, so new ideas would be lovely.

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho
It's off to work I go! Less than a month until the school year ends! Whoo-hoo!!! I'm super duper excited. And I have lots of grading  to catch up on. Still, the end is in sight! May 24, here I come! Summer job, here I come! Yay for summer moneys!
And then I start prepping for next year in the middle school! People keep trying to tell me how horrid middle schoolers are, but, doggone it, I remember being 12, I remember my brother and sister being 12, and it's not the hell people make it out to be. You were a preteen with raging hormones, weird growth spurts, and all that awkwardness once, too. It will be great.

My Non-Conformist
The day before Easter, I texted Chris from a dressing room as I neared my breaking point (shopping for new clothes does that to me).
Me: UGH! I can't find anything that fits or that isn't black!
Chris: I'm sorry. What's wrong with black? You love black.
Me: It's for Easter Sunday. It's practically sacreligious to wear black on Easter.
Chris: I'm wearing black.
Such a rebel.
Oh, and P.S. I found a tunic/dress in lavender. Because I knew you were going to ask ;] The best part? It was about 1/2 inch-1inch lower than my theme-park-sunburn tanline. Did I see this before running out the door to church? No. Fan. Tas. Tic. Oh the memories!

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Good morning, Starshine! The Earth says, "Hello!"