Monday, October 25, 2010

Island Getaway

A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.
--Dave Meurer
 For our one-year anniversary, Chris and I ran away to Sanibel Island for the weekend. For Chris, it was a return to his childhood summer getaway. It was my first visit, and I cannot wait to make my second :]

Our cozy little room at the Sanibel Inn
The beautiful beach, covered in shells. The water was crystal clear and filled with more shells, fish, and dolphins.
What we did for one evening: Chris studied, and I graded papers
Our fantastic (and free!) anniversary cake
Our friend Slappy the Snail. We thought he was an empty shell. Um, yeah, no. He kept viciously hitting us with his snail-foot. We had no idea snails were so feisty!
On the beach, before our anniversary dinner at The Bubble Room.
The Sanibel Lighthouse . . . which looked nothing like I expected but it was still a fun trip.
One last walk down the beach before heading home!


  1. Looks like a great anniversary get-away. :)

  2. Okay, that snail thing is hysterical!

    What a beautiful way to spend your first anniversary together!


Good morning, Starshine! The Earth says, "Hello!"