Thursday, May 28, 2015

In which we make two last adventures with friends . . .

Before we left California, our dear friends Sharon and Jesse (you may remember them from this post) decided we needed to do two things: explore Monterey's Fisherman's Wharf and the Seventeen Mile Drive before heading up through Big Sur.

So, Puke Can and nausea meds in tow, we headed out, and had a blast.
Miss these two like crazy!

We started our first adventure with Sharon's ceramic class's firepit on the beach


Lunchtime! Home of the best Clam Chowder EVER
Seriously, I could have eaten buckets of that stuff.

The Lone Cypress of Pebble Beach's Seventeen Mile Drive . . . it's apparently one of the most photographed trees ever
Playing in the river outside our favorite restaurant in Big Sur

Just BARELY have a thirteen week baby bump here! Oh my gosh, that seems like an eternity ago. . .

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Good morning, Starshine! The Earth says, "Hello!"